Dear Friends,
They dance to the front of the church with zip lock bags and pockets full of change. With smiles on their faces and feet that are walking and leaping and praising God, our children bring their gifts to the noisy offering in worship. Our souls are lifted in the sight and in the sound.
May all of ours be as well! The theme for this year’s stewardship journey is, “Make Your Offering Loud,” in the ways that give power to the joy we have in giving, the truth we know that we are stewards and not owners, and the faith we share that our gifts knit together have a big impact on our community and the world.
Based on their popularity last year, our Stewardship Team is once again preparing four 2024 Financial Pledge dinner events in the month of November, for which we humbly request your presence. As we did last year, we will begin with a welcome reception that will feature wine and beer graciously donated by Fulton Brewery. The family-style dinner will once again be created and produced by well-known Twin Cities chef Ian Gray.
The dinners will again be organized to provide an opportunity for us to learn more and celebrate together the ministry we share. With joy, we will hear the story of how our congregation impacts the world. With passion, we will gather together our collective gifts for the strength of the future we serve. With gratitude, we will raise our voices in thanks to our great God in Jesus Christ.
From our information sessions after worship in late April, here is a resource that led up to our May 7 congregational vote approving for the creation of a columbarium committee as well as an impending land parcel sale.
Here is the presentation that Director of Operations and Finance Brent Malcom went through, which includes:
Give as a guest, or you can create an account using ShelbyGiving, our church management software. Simply create an account and sign in. Direct your gift to the general fund (NLC Annual Ministry,) or to a fund of your choice using the drop-down menu.
Simply Text the word GIVE to 952.260.5601 and follow the prompts.
Download the ShelbyNEXT | Giving app in your app store. Choose Normandale Lutheran Church (zip code 55436) as your organization. Create your giving account or login to give a one-time gift or set-up recurring gifts.
Make a donation of appreciated stock. For more information, click HERE to contact Brent Malcom or call him at 952.977.9352.
To make things easier during the pandemic, you can also send your check donation in the mail to: Normandale Lutheran Church 6100 Normandale Rd. Edina, MN 55436