Our Racial Justice & Equity Vision

The Vision 2025 team began their work in 2018, staying diligent to the charge amid the Covid era, to present a vision for congregational life. Alongside Church Council leadership and in the river of our history of mission and outreach, three main initiatives were developed, one being racial equity and reconciliation. A Racial Justice & Equity team (“R-JET”) was formed and began their work in 2022. None are experts in racism. All are moved by their faith.

Hear what’s driving the Racial Justice & Equity Team members (“R-JET”). Click on the video image below.

A Journey

The task ahead is seen as a journey to how we as individuals, and as a congregation, can recognize and push back against anything that marginalizes, divides or values some of God’s children over others based on race. It is rooted in the unifying claim of our Welcoming Statement that “all people are created in the image of God and as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace.” The work of the Racial Justice & Equity Team (“R-JET”) is attached to two principles. One is to learn from others who have experience and can guide us. The second is to welcome everyone in the congregation on the journey – from those who feel “it’s about time” to others who may be skeptical. We approach this task with joy and optimism, not with grim determination!

The R-JET Mission Statement – We advocate for God’s wholeness for all by committing to understand and address personal and institutional racism in all of its forms and manifestations.

Committed to Success

To help us be successful, we have formed a partnership with the Center for Leadership and Neighborhood Engagement (CLNE), a community organization based in north Minneapolis who’ve worked with 25 other congregations engaged in racial justice. CLNE will provide coaching, assessment and training in cultural competency, and programming experiences that bring together communities of different cultures. They will help us build offerings around education and cross-cultural opportunities.

There is much to come, and lots to talk about! Your comments, questions and participation are welcomed. Check back here often for updates on how you can get involved. You can start by joining our  R-JET team meetings every other Wednesday.

Racial Justice and Equity Team (R-JET) meetings 

Event days/time: repeat every two weeks starting Wednesday, October 26, 4-5:30pm CST

Zoom info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86448196573?pwd=eTdxVXVpckZ3d1ZFdG53Ty85M0RrZz09

Meeting ID: 864 4819 6573

Passcode: 374360


The Racial Justice & Equity Team (“R-JET”)

Do you have questions? Do you have ideas? Click HERE to contact the team. Your comments and inquiries are welcomed.


Pastor Rebecca Gamble

Julia Dinsmore (NLC Social Justice Liaison)

Mark Werley (Chair)

Kathy Ritter (Communications Lead)

Anna Bock

Randy Gullickson

Sue Hoel

Vishakha Kanwar

Phil Larson

Olivia Mastry

Sumner Musolf

Nancy Ouska

Dick Peterson

Linda Van Guilder


October 26, 2022 - November 9, 2022


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Next Occurrence

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