
Mission Statement

We advocate for God’s wholeness for all by committing to understand and address personal and institutional racism in all of its forms and manifestations.

For Those Who Have Gone Before Us

A columbarium is an above-ground structure with small compartments or “niches” built into the structure designed to hold urns for the cremated remains of loved ones who have passed away.

A 288-niche columbarium at Normandale Lutheran Church is to be opened in fall 2023. It is found within our brand new Trinity Commons space, to the immediate south of our main parking lot.

Entering Trinity Commons via a bridge overlooking a rain garden, one will immediately encounter this solemn area to their left. The columbarium faces west to an open-area green space; only an eight foot (8′) walkway separate the two, which also provides anchored benches.

Within the columbarium itself, there are twelve (12) 6-foot by 4-foot (6′ x 4′) sections. Each section comprises of twenty four (24) niche spaces. Each individual niche space holds the capacity for up to two (2) urns, featuring a 12-inch by 12-in (12″ x 12″) face that allows for the engraving of each designated person containing the individual’s cremains.

In addition to the columbarium, Normandale Lutheran Church also provides a wall that is adjacent to the north entry bridge. This commemorative space will list the engraving of names of loved ones in memorium.

Niches are available for purchase meeting certain criteria of eligibility for Normandale Lutheran Church:

  • Current and former members
  • Staff members
  • Current or former spouses, parents, siblings, children, or grandchildren

Others may apply, provided recommendation of Normandale Lutheran Church pastoral staff.

Applications, submitted by an eligible person (“Grantee”), are currently available for completion and submission to be reviewed, approved, and agreed upon between both the Grantee and the Columbarium Committee of Normandale Lutheran Church.

Want to Know More About the Columbarium?

Resources can be accessed electronically below or by picking up a packet in the church office.

Upon completion of these forms, you may deliver them to the church business office in person, by email or by fax as follows:

Normandale Lutheran Church
Attn: Columbarium Administrator
6100 Normandale Road
Edina, MN 55436


(952) 929-2767

Please call the church business office at (952) 929-1697 for more information. Thank you!