Wednesday Women’s Bible Study: Winter – Spring 2023

Wednesday’s | January 11 – May 10, 2023

9:30-11:30 am | Fireside Room

Wednesday Women’s Bible Study (WWBS) welcomes women of all ages and online viewers of all kinds to join us in studying Paul’s Letter to the Philippians and 1st Peter this winter and spring. Each session begins with a time for fellowship, followed by a large group presentation of the week’s assigned chapters. We end our time together in small groups, reflecting on those same passages.

Bring your Bible! Study Guides will be available for $10 per copy.

Things don’t always go the way we intend. It’s easy to feel discouraged because what we hope for is badly thwarted, or because people make life difficult. Paul, writing to the Philippians from prison, certainly knew what it was like to have plans interrupted. But he maintained robust confidence in God’s overruling power, even when everything seemed to be going wrong. These eight studies will help us learn from Paul the art of seeing God’s purposes working out through problems and difficulties, and they will deepen our own confidence in God’s power.

Questions? Contact Pastor Rebecca Gamble.

Proposed Schedule
January 11 –  Welcome back to WWBS / NEW Book pick-ups
January 18   – Lesson 1: Paul’s Reasons for Thanks (1:1-11)
January 25   – Lesson 2: Full of Hope (1:12-26)
February 1     – Lesson 3: Unity in Christ (1:27-2:4)
February 8   – Lesson 4: The Mind of the Messiah (2:5-18)
February 15   – Lesson 5: Timothy & Epaphroditus (2:19-30)
March 1    – Lesson 6: The Worth of the King (3:1-16)
March 8    – Lesson 7: Citizens of Heaven (3:17-4:9)
March 15  – Lesson 8: Contentment in All Circumstances (4:10-23)
April 12  – Brief Intro & Lesson 1 – of 1st Peter: Ransomed by Grace (Ch 1)
April 19 – Lesson 2 – of 1st Peter: Living Stones (Ch 2)
April 26 – Lesson 3  – of 1st Peter: of 1st Peter: Seek Peace, and Follow After It (Ch 3)
May 3 – Lesson 4 – of 1st Peter: Transformed Living (Ch 4)
May 10 – Lesson 5 of 1st Peter: Stand Firm (Ch 5)


May 3, 2023


9:30 am - 11:30 pm




Fireside Room

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