
Wednesdays | 7:00-7:45 pm

Hello and a warm welcome to Pre-Confirmation!

This new faith formation opportunity for Grades 5–6 will be an introduction to Confirmation where students will learn age-appropriate material, create strong relationships with their peers, and build excitement for Confirmation and eventually High School Hang Outs.


Register your kids

We ask that you register your kids here even if you are waiting to return. We are aware that not everyone is comfortable returning to in-person faith formation right now. That is okay. Learn more about our Covid-19 protocols here.


Welcome Lily Askegaard

We welcome Lily Askegaard to our Children, Youth, and Family team. She will be leading Grades 5–6 each Wednesday for Pre-Confirmation. Lily is a long-time member of Normandale Lutheran and has been very involved in many of the church activities throughout her life. She was a Children, Youth, and Family Intern in 2018, and more recently a part of the Camber and Adult Choir. Lily graduated from St. Olaf in 2020 and is currently working as an elementary music teacher. She is very excited to work with your kids and will be an excellent addition to this program.


Please reach out with any questions that you might have.


September 29, 2021


7:00 pm - 7:45 pm

Next Occurrence