December 2022 Books Give-Away
It’s a free-for-all! Over the course of December, Normandale Lutheran Church is giving away various books it has collected over the years for free. What a great gift idea!
You can find these tables along the south wall in the Fellowship Hall.
The books are grouped onto tables by type/theme, including:
Worship and Music
Devotional and Ministry
Art, Travel, Parenting, and Reference
Biography and Autobiography
Adult Fiction
Young Adult
Please help yourself and take books for you or for other people that would appreciate having them. Books not taken will be donated to other organizations that are in a position to care for and distribute them accordingly.
If you wish to provide a donation in thanks for the books you take, please make a one-time contribution to the “NLC Annual Ministry” fund online or by check to “Normandale Lutheran Church” in the Sunday morning offering plate or at the church office.