Adult ministry activities at Normandale Lutheran Church help deepen your relationships and support your spiritual growth and well-being. Whatever knowledge or truth you’re seeking, find what you need in one of our gatherings.
We welcome you to help serve our community of faith in worship. Communion and ushering are two areas where you can participate, and there are many more! Interested? Contact Worship Assistant Kim Sannerud and she will be happy to get you connected.
Interested? Contact Worship Assistant Kim Sannerud and she will be happy to get you connected.
Wednesday Women’s Bible Study (WWBS)
Wednesday mornings starting
January 8 to May 7, 2025
9:30 – 11:30am
Fireside Room
Second Wednesday of every month
11:00am – 1:30pm
Fireside Room, Chapel
3rd Saturday of every month
August to June
10:00am – 12:00pm
Studio A
Living In Faith Together (LIFT) is an opportunity for small groups to meet monthly in homes to share learning, fellowship, prayer, and togetherness at the table. We provide all the necessary curriculum. The easy-to-follow material invites meaningful group discussions of life and faith. It’s a truly engaging way to meet with new friends, renew old friendships, and grow in faith together.
For more information on how to join a LIFT small group, contact Director of Small Group Ministries Katie Hein.
We enjoyed the community aspect of LIFT - growing in faith with others and having something separate from the kids' activities.
- LIFT group members
Music is an integral part of worship here, and we’ve made it a big part of our community as well. The power of music helps us celebrate our faith, share our gifts and bring spiritual energy and joy to others. Interested in becoming part of this important ministry? Click below to explore our adult choir and instrumental ensembles.
Our senior members are a vital part of our community.
It will soon be time again to enjoy our regular ongoing activities and special events throughout the year. Check back here for more information in preparation for the fall!
Need caregiving support for an older family member? The Normandale Center for Healing & Wholeness “walks with” older adults who are in transition. Find comfort as they support you and your family’s well-being in spirit, mind, and body through holistic services and collaborative programming to help seniors age in place and navigate difficult transitions.
Need caregiving support for an older family member? The Normandale Center for Healing & Wholeness “walks with” older adults who are in transition. Find comfort in their support of your family’s well-being in spirit, mind, and body as they offer holistic services and collaborative programming to help seniors age in place and make difficult transitions.
Have questions about adult activities at Normandale Lutheran Church? Contact Administrative Assistant to Reception and Communications Megan Pickard and we will be happy to facilitate some upcoming opportunities.